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How I Anticipate Eager Buyers Shopping For What I Offer And Convert Them Into New Sales Leads

2010 December 7
How Do You Benefit New Sales Leads?

How Do You Benefit New Sales Leads?

New sales leads are the crème of every business. Knowing the demand for your product is essential to be able to generate sales leads. It is a known fact that businesses survive and flourish on sales. New sales leads are the oxygen business breathes. How do you anticipate those shopping for what you offer?

Market Research Discovers New Sales Leads

Every business irrespective of size and type must conduct thorough market research about your industry. Perceiving the attributes of your market equips you with intricate details about it. Understanding the exact requirements and wants of your customers helps you serve them better. Once you see and know your buyer personae, tell your business story to the right people and new sales leads will come to you.

New Sales Leads Are Also Aware Of Your Competition

Market research also provides competitive analytics. With this information you can understand where to reposition your brand to achieve a competitive edge over your competition that will generate new sales leads. What do you have that benefits your customers more than what your competition offers?

Marketing To New Sales Leads

Communicating your main benefits to your customers is of utmost importance. To explain this better, let’s look closely at the 4 P’s of Marketing:

  • Product — As explained earlier, knowing about the market dynamics equips you with diverse knowledge and helps you to position your product and service everywhere consumers are shopping for it. Redevelopment and re-engineering of your product in light of consumer demand is necessary to capture new sales leads. Furthermore, to induce repeat sales and referrals, give your customers reason to come back for more.
  • Price — The price of your offering should reflect its value to your customers. Setting high prices without commensurate value will simply drive customers away. Even selling premium products, keep the high price in line with the perceived benefits. This not only attracts the cream crowd but also substantially increase your revenues. Truth be told, new sales leads are less concerned with price and more with what’s in it for them.
  • Place — This is the location where you sell your offering, the distribution channel. Again make sure that your business is convenient to your customers and reduce their effort to the minimum. Your distribution system must be devoid of middle men. Proper replenishment of stock is necessary to avoid customer dissatisfaction and keep up with demand. New sales leads benefit from you being at the right time and place.
  • Promotion — Perhaps, the most important aspect of generating new sales leads is your communication strategy. Based on your audience and product, marketing communications should nurture relationships. Whether you’re advertising or promoting sales, your desired result is to anticipate eager buyers shopping for what you offer. For example, during a sales lull, offering discounts and incentives will continue your revenue stream and keep customers interested in you, your business and your products.

How Do You Benefit New Sales Leads?

Generating new sales leads is a must for every business to survive in today’s cut-throat competitive world. Although it may seem more of an art than a science, knowing the benefits your best customers seek is a sure way to garner new sales leads.

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